
MLM Traffic Formula 2 Blog Design Revealed

What's up?,I’m gonna spill the beans on how to set up your blog like the pros do!I'm currently on the MLM Traffic Formula 2 course that MIke Dillard and his team is running at the moment and I have to say,If you run your business online by the guidelines of this course it goes without saying, we've got an unbelievable advantage over the majority of people on the net.Not only those in direct sales but everybody using the internet for business promotion. I’d even say Iphone 4s Dock And Cable it’s almost unfair, though, everyone had their chance to get in. All the information given comes from the best in their field and is just killer.It's a shame it won't be available to the public again for a long while yet.That being the case, I've decided to reveal pieces of the MLM Traffic Formula 2 puzzle right on my blog. There’s way too much info to go through in a blog format so I will do it a piece at a time.My web Nail Pen designers are working furiously on my custom theme as I write this so you will notice that right now my blog is pretty plain and that’s OK because as theyshow us on the course.“It’s most important that you just get started… function over form”.It actually serves my purpose here even more so.Keep returning and watch this site change into a marketing machine that attracts free traffic all day long because google loves blogs.The seo training, social bookmarking training, and how to rank on the front page of search engines like google has been incredible and I’ll help you with some of this as well over time but I digress…On my blog I have a photo of a hand drawn layout design of a portion of my blog. Take note of the little notes I’ve written on it like this:Only have a 1 inch header so as much valuable information as possible stays “Above the fold”. This means everything you want to be seen before your viewer has to scroll down.A Pop up opt-in form as people go to leave your blog.Where you have your title is vital. Place it on the left. Everything has been tested and tested and tested again and tracked peoples eyeball and mouse movements. Avoid using too many folder tabs so as not to distract people from the primary purpose of your “nerve center”, that is to provide valuable content and capture their details with theEmbeded Opt-inForms in your posts or with your main opt-in form on the right hand side above the fold.Apart from being on the ultimate online business course you can find,you also need to use the best System for: Generating your own FREE Leads,Profiting from prospects that don’t even join your business.You need first class Training By people that already have what you want. Thats what MLMTF2 is and over time I’ll pass on more from the course and you'll get to see for yourself what your own nerve center can become right before your eyes.

